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The Best Days!

03.16.2003 | 9:56 pm

Saturday, March 15
Joseph, the fianc� is taking a much needed nap on my living room couch right now. My cat has tunneled under the covers and is shedding her grey fur all over, but that�s OK. I have spent the better part of three hours hugging, holding and kissing the little girls. They look so incredibly sweet and good to me.

We arrived at the airport late. Or, I should say, the plane landed early. We were waiting up by the security for them to come through the causeway. Finally hubby said, �I think I�ll go down and check the baggage claim and see if they are down there.� I waited. It seemed too long. I kept waiting. James took a look and couldn�t see anyone either. I had my back to the escalator, so I didn�t see them sneak up from behind. Suddenly, a little voice was saying, �Hi Grandma, I love you!� My breath was literally taken away. Meredith looked the same yet so much had changed. She was bigger and it struck me how much she looks like Marie. I hugged her, kissed her, looked at her and hugged and kissed her again. I wasn�t really crying, but the intensity of the moment made me speechless. Those around us could see that it was the happiest of reunions.

Quickly we took the escalator down to the baggage claim to find the rest of the family. The other grandma was there, along with Matt�s brother and sister. Baby McKay has grown into a different person. He no longer has string bean legs, but chubby, healthy limbs. He was smiling and full of expression. They had already found all their luggage, so hubby and the other grandma went to get the cars so we could load up. As it was in November during our grocery shopping expedition, we were like a giant herd of turtles, slowly loading and strapping cars seats into two vans�necessary to get everyone and everything home safe and sound. I enjoy Matt�s family, in spite of my differences with his mother. We took everyone to Matt�s folks and visited for about an hour. The M's will stay with them for a week, and then come to our house for a week

Sunday, March 16, 2003
We all had early church today, which was fortunate. I wanted to have some pictures taken of the family in the early afternoon, before Joseph had to leave for the airport. He must get back to work tomorrow. I had made arrangements to do some outdoor shots, but it was raining buckets this afternoon. Hubby set things up in the living room. Joseph�s sister-in-law, Becky, took the pictures for us. She is actually the person responsible for getting the engaged ones together. She had seen eldest daughter with me at church and had asked if I thought she would write to Joseph. At the time I really thought daughter would be negative, but she surprised me and said, �Why not?� This afternoon the whole gang was in the living room, cozy as bears in a winter�s den laughing and trying to be photogenic. Everyone was very cooperative with the smiles except hubby and Melanie. They were boycotting smiles today for some reason.

The girls had their toys spread out all over the floor. I remember the day they left Arizona, some 15 months ago. I had come home from the airport feeling so blue and lonesome. I had solemnly put the toys back in the basket and dejectedly put the basket into a closet. I couldn�t think about how still my home would be without those little girls cluttering my floor with toys. Now today, the toys are once again strewn happily around the floor�reminding me that love cannot be swayed by time nor distance.

catsnapples~ at home with the grandkids


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