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The Upside-down World

03.13.2003 | 8:29 pm

I think it was good that Diaryland was down last night. When I came to the computer to write I was really in a funk. I didn�t have enough to say about the day that was worth spending time and electricity on. I always take criticism from parents so very personally. I shouldn�t be prideful, but I take great care to try and meet the individual needs of each of my students. My heart is pricked when a parent questions my caring and concern for their child. Often times it is the fact that they interact and teach that child under entirely different circumstances that I do. Many times it is difficult for parents to see and understand the differences between the home and classroom environment. It is especially true with young children, who are so used to being the complete center of their parent�s attention. The transition a child must make as they enter and experience first grade is in some ways, quite life altering. The child must learn to think, be brave, endure new situations, get along with many different friends all day long, try to stay on task, learn new and sometimes difficult academic skills�all without mom or dad close at hand. All the while, learning to trust and have faith in teacher.

We had an evacuation drill today. The whole school�all 700+ students, faculty and staff, exited the building with our hands behind our heads. Silently we marched across the street and into the neighborhood park. The kids were so quiet we could hear the muffled conversation of the principal and the two police officers as they discussed our performance. The whole lot of us made it out in less than 7 minutes. This all happening, one day after six high school students from our district were arrested for conspiring to bomb and kill their fellow students and teachers. I was shocked to hear the news on the radio yesterday as I drove home from school. The lead story was so happy; Elizabeth Smart had been found. The next headline was six G�High School students; one boy, five girls, arrested for plotting to blow up their school! The world has turned upside down.

Tomorrow is a half day at school. Then I will say bye-bye to the squirrels for one blessed week of spring break. The future son-in-law is flying in to town tonight for the weekend. The engaged ones will be shopping for clothing and having fun for three whole days! My niece is getting married on Saturday at noon. At 2:00 PM the M�s will be landing at Sky Harbor Airport for a two week visit. Hubby and I will have just enough time to speed to the airport to fetch them. I am bringing the wedding gown home to keep safe and secure in my abode. We are having family photos taken Sunday afternoon. All sides (in-laws and out-laws) of the family will be meeting and greeting throughout the weekend to reunite with Matt and Marie and to meet the fianc�. I don�t think I have too many things going�do you?

catsnapples~in first grade and at life


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