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It's a Match!

02.28.2003 | 11:04 pm

The nut tree was minus their usual teacher today due to an emergency dental appointment. I chipped an edge off the corner of a lower front tooth. It was annoying, so I called to see if I could get in. *Darn* the only appointment available was right in the middle of today. I woke up this morning, knowing I wouldn�t have to wrestle the squirrels through another rainy day, breathed a sigh of relief, and knew that whatever was in store for me at the dentist would be worth being truant from school. Lucky me�20 minutes and one very tiny porcelain filling later I was �outa there!� I quickly got in the van and sped over to the worldly, �Nails of the World� and got a pedicure to celebrate my freedom. What a rough day. I was so weary; I headed home and luxuriated with a two hour nap. I have just now, finished watching �Ocean's Eleven�; a great movie with yummy Matt Damon, George Clooney, and Brad Pitt.

Oldest daughter made it to her out of state destination to visit �special friend.� She called me tonight to tell all of us �special friend� is now officially her fianc� as of two weeks ago! She has a solid gold, one karat solitaire engagement ring on her left finger to seal the deal. The wedding date is June 14! Wow�do I have a ton of things to do before then! Some things, I think she has already done. I have the wedding �card catalog� by my phone. All I need to do is revise it a bit, enter names in the new DELL computer, and that will be all set for printing envelopes for invitations.

I know some of you are thinking, �How can they be getting hitched so quickly?� I think they both knew right away that they were MFEO�Made For Each Other. (see Sleepless in Seattle) They are both firmly established, finished with college, graduate degrees too, and are truly in love and ready to set up housekeeping. And, if you don�t already know�We, here in Mormon, matrimony land, don�t live or sleep together till after the wedding. Between now and June, new fianc� will visit about three more times, daughter will go to visit him once, his parents will come to meet us Easter weekend, and off we go!

Another peculiarity about �our� weddings is that we don�t have to pay a minister, organist, and orchestra etc. to be married in the church. The couple and close family and friends attend the ceremony in one of our temples. For our family that will be about 50 to 60 people. Later that day, we have a reception which resembles more of an open house. There is usually a receiving line and simple refreshments. Many more people are invited to this event. Since there is no expense for a sit down dinner or alcohol, the cost is cut substantially. I must still plan the reception, food and decorations�but this is my third wedding, so I think I�ll do fine.

We called Pennsylvania tonight to tell all the M�s the great news. Meredith, who is two, asked, �How is Polly Tamale?� (my cat Polly) I just had to laugh because she made that rhyme up this week. Then she proceeded to tell me, �Aunt J.. is getting married to Joseph Smith.� Marie has been trying to teach her that there are more named Joseph than Joseph Smith and Joseph, Jesus� father. I�m sure she�ll catch on soon enough.

So now will have a new set of matching letters to write about�the M�s in Pennsylvania and the J�s in New Mexico.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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