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Rainy Day ~ NOT a Snow Day

02.26.2003 | 1:23 pm

Last night I just couldn�t make myself write another word of anything. I read through some entries of friends, checked my new e-mail address that comes with my free Earth-link hook up, and that was all the teacher could do.

It has been raining here in the desert for two days. I know many of my friends back east are used to bad weather, by gee whizzz...you get to take SNOW DAYS! Here in my little corner of school, a rainy day is pure...hmmm....is there a a word I can use to describe it??? MISERABLE, LONGER THAT YOU CAN BEAR...GET OUT OF MY VISION YOU CHILD, YOU... kind of day. No matter how many interesting, beneficial, hands-on projects or meaningful learning experiences I provide for the little squirrels, having no recess is the worst possible torture for them and me. On top of all that fun and frivolity, I had only Computer Lab as a special yesterday. I have had several Diaryland friends comment on the fact that is unusual for 1st grade to be able to participate in Computer Lab. This may be true, but on computer day, I must go with them and teach them. I get no prep time or potty break time. Add to that, no lunch or PM recess, and you will find me grinding my teeth at the end of the day. No wonder my teeth hurt at this very moment.

Today was essentially no different. We had a half-day today. No breaks, 20 minutes for lunch, and kids that think it�s a holiday instead of school. This afternoon, we teachers are SO lucky to be able to take �inservice� classes instead of just being able to work in our rooms. Heaven forbid we should actually be afforded prep time that falls into the regular work day. I ask any who work a 9 to 5 job...�Would you be willing to take 3 to 4 hours of EACH weekend to prepare for your job on Monday, without benefit of pay?� Or, how about spending several thousand dollars a year of your own money to provide additional visual aids, craft supplies, working supplies, and books for your classroom.?This is the sorry state of affairs within the teaching profession. I think it interesting that local legislators, and John Q. Public, for the most part, wonder why more people don�t chose Education for a career. I know, I�m having a pity-party right about now, but I just wish, sometimes, I had enough energy at the end of my day to do the dishes and laundry, and still write in my diary after a day with the squirrels.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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