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Soaring Solo

02.02.2003 | 12:50 am

Tonight was "You'll poke your eye out!" night. Hubby, in his zeal to trim lemon trees, ended up in the ER for about 6 hours with a scratched cornea. He had gone over to his Mom's just to trim things a bit. The next thing I knew, he was at the ER.

The most interesting thing about the ER is the diversity of humanity that streams through the doors on a weekend. I was really amazed at the strange clothing worn by the majority of people, other that the sick, who were just waiting around. A big, large lady with no bra and no teeth, her shirt unbuttoned about half-way...a young mother in a bath robe and slippers... little kiddos with no shoes, messy faces and ragged hair... an Aunt Jemima look-a-like who was obviously trying to get pain killers, but didn't succeed...lots of old guys in golf shorts and black socks...hubby in his old scout pants and a bright orange t-shirt...me in a very diry t-shirt and yesterday's Levis. The reason I add myself, is that I never go anywhere, especially out in public, in yesterday's dirty clothes. I seriously contemplated taking another 10 minutes to iron and change into fresh duds before we left. My daughters think I have a fixation on ironed clothes. They are probably right.

Not to worry friends. The scouter was duely instructed by the nice ER doctor to wear safety goggles in the future. After an exam and a Tetnus shot, we were summarily dismissed at about 11:30 PM. We stopped at the pharmacy for his perscription and came home. He snores as I write.

So sad, the day has been. I think of the children, who's parents were lost today. They will have a lifetime of missing them and loving them. I think of girls walking down the aisle on the arm of an uncle instead of their dad; sons longing for the touch that only a mother can give. I think of the empty, lonely space in the hearts of each spouse, now flying solo. I think of their joy, those few who soared; their enthusiasm, unbridled and free...floating without the restraints of gravity...no longer earth-bound...but part of that heavenly, celestial realm. Go with God and the love of all Americans.

catsnapples~ at life


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