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Computer "Spirits"

01.31.2003 | 10:40 pm

I went and did it! I bought a brand, spanking new DELL computer, on-line. Do you think there is any way I can hide it from my hubby?? Probably not. Oh, well. We had talked about getting a new computer to replace the one that oldest daughter is finally removing from our abode. That is the trouble...we always just talk. Then, at some future mystery date, down the road, he will show up with an interesting concoction of computer parts, suited only to his needs. I finally decided that I was going to have my computer, my way! I want to have my own hard drive, memory, CD burner, printer, scanner, 17 in. flat panel monitor...everything! I don�t teach the little squirrels all day, and earn those big bucks, just so I can come home to a weird computer that hubby has on the side for his scouting and insurance files. (As I say to myself, �You go girl!�) When it arrives via the Big Brown Truck in about a week, it should be interesting to see his reaction. I think he will be the first one on-line after we get it all hooked up.

The end of the week in the nut tree was uneventful, yet jam-packed with activity. I have had four kids out this week with strep-throat and one with impetigo...eew! Poor little bodies! We have had tons of fun learning about BEARS this week. Black, Brown, Kodiak, Panda, Alaskan, Sun, Polar BEARS *grrr* It is so funny when you begin to explain to the first grade intellect the order of plant and animal kingdoms and the phylum, genus and species thing. They just can�t believe that we (they) are an animal, and a mammal, and that they once got milk from their mother. Some of the little boys make all sorts of faces and squirm around like they are going to die of embarrassment. In as discrete a manner as possible, I inform them that all people, either get milk from their mother, or mother gives them milk from a bottle. That additional knowledge seems to ease some of the discomfort.

I am always mystified by some of the innocent conversations in their comings and goings during the day. Last week I overheard quite and interesting debate about your �spirit� and where it goes when you die. Mason came right up to me and said, �Mrs. B., did you know your spirit looks just like your body?� �Is that right.� says I. �Logan said so!� �Mrs. B...did you know you don�t really die, when you die?� says another. A good thought to keep. Then there was some general shuffling and hub-bub around the bathroom door, they all ran back to class, and nothing more was said.

It is still too warm in the desert. Today it was 86! Folks this is January. That means this summer we will be seeing 110 to 115 most days. I can hardly wait. Maybe I�ll die...but then again, I won�t really die, or so says Mason.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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