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01.08.2003 | 5:35 pm

This is a day that was truly *SOGGY* This is a term invented by my oldest son that describes~
*out of sorts
*down in the dumps
*devoid of energy
*dragging your tail
*I got up on the wrong side of the bed
*I can�t wait to get home and throw on my robe kind of a day.

In reality, it was a soggy day weather- wise as well. In spite of my valiant efforts to arise early and finish report cards, I was in a rush to make a 7:30 staff meeting. On the way out the door, being totally unaware of the climate changes that had occurred during the night, my lovely hair-do was dampened, and my day started badly. I had to finish filling in grades during the staff meeting, which is really bad form. Luckily, the workroom Nazi, who has plagued our school for the last three years, was not in said room while the squirrels were at PE. I got all the report cards copied (actually they are two page paper reports) and envelopes stuffed with the precious documents. I made everyone read to me after PE. I am SO proud of all my good readers....bragging :-) Even the lowest kiddos are doing sensational.

Lunch rolled around along with thunder, lightening and a downpour. NO RECESS! Have I mentioned that the darling little children go bonkers when they are denied their outside free-for-all? Movie time...Aladdin. We didn�t watch the whole movie... just enough to placate the little ones so they would not feel deprived of their recreational rights. Next we did Math...ones and tens again. The funny thing about the whole day is that it was sunny, breezy and balmy for afternoon recess. I threatened the little puddle-jumpers with serious looks and stern warnings. �Dr. Coleman, our principal, will not be happy if you come in with wet feet.� Guess what? It worked!

Shannon brought Buster, her stray Christmas puppy for Show and Tell. Usually the kids are extremely polite when a parent brings a pet. Today was not usual. They were all over the poor little puppy like mosquitoes in summer. Just as we were finishing the day, another torrential downpour started. In first grade that is usually accompanied by little girls squealing and hanging on to each other and with the boys sort of shrugging the whole thing off like MEN. We all walked out to the busses without an umbrella in hand, and I returned to my room *soggy*

Tonight I should finish taking down the Christmas d�cor. All I feel like doing is eating Chicken Noodle Soup and watching a good chick flick.. I think I will.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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