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Movie Night

01.04.2003 | 11:33 pm

We are sprucing up and cleaning right this minute. The new paint, windowsills, trim and light fixtures look so nice. Marie is very pleased with the look of the dining room. They still need to work on the floors, but that will have to be done by other elves on another occasion. All in all we have had a very pleasant stay here in the Keystone State. I dread going to the airport Monday afternoon, and saying good-bye. It is always hard to bid farewell to the little girls. It is so difficult to be far away as they grow and change. I think that is one of the fondest memories I have of motherhood�I was home with all the kids to guide and watch all their development. Sometimes I was quite bonkers, suffering from occasional bouts of �cabin fever�, but mostly they were good years spent on a worthy project. We many times lacked in material goods during those years, living on one income, but we never lacked in experiences that built character.

Tomorrow is the baby blessing. The little guy will be officially named and then it�s all up hill from there. I am still not sure which outfit McKay will wear~ Matt�s old one, or the new one I bought. The other grandma has called three times since we�ve been here just twisting Matt�s arm about the whole situation. She should have just come out to be here with us, and then she wouldn�t feel so guilty. Grrrr and sour grapes!

We went to see The Lord of the Rings last night. WOW!!! I loved it. What else can I say? The way they were able to portray Gullum was amazing. Maybe, before the end of the year I�ll go to another movie. My Hubby isn�t a go on a date to the movies kind of guy. Consequently, Amazon is my best friend. I�m pretty good at judging the kind of movie I will like just by looking at the trailers. I buy the one�s I know I�ll like. Needless to say, I have an immense video collection. Everyone in the family comes over to borrow movies on Friday night. It�s fun....

catsnapples~ at life


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