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Dishwasher Tails

12.28.2002 | 7:28 pm

The other Grandma (Matt�s mom) called me today to tell me she wants to send Matt�s infant baptism outfit with me to Pennsylvania for baby McKay to wear for his blessing. Never mind that it was for an infant baptism long ago, we do not baptize babies, it has yellowed, and it has crosses stitched all over it...in our church, we do not use the cross to represent Christ in our worship. The interesting thing is that the other Grandma is of our faith, and knows this. I called Marie to ask her if I should take back the lovely little white outfit I had purchased for the baby. She sort of grumbled, and said, �Definitely not!� She wanted the baby blessed in the new outfit. I asked, �Does Matt care about what the baby wears?� �No.� So, I guess what the other Grandma doesn�t know won�t hurt her. Poor Matt! He feels so bad that his parents don�t ever feel they can afford to make the trip out to PA for any special occasion. They are ALWAYS crying poverty...which is silly, because they make much more money than hubby and I do. I know too, that Matt�s siblings feel equally sad, for these grandparents have missed special occasions for all the rest of their grandkids too. Ooo... am I being judgmental! And just yesterday I was espousing the virtues of not judging others. I only know how sad my sweet son-in-law feels when his parents seem to have prioritized him out of their budget and schedule.

My oldest son is married and has the funniest kitty. Her name is Molly Meow- Meow. She has some Siamese in her heritage because she has crossed eyes. I was over to see him this afternoon. (Secretly I go to see the cat) He is going to take care of all my kitties while I�m away. That will give him a good excuse to raid my refrigerator twice a day while I�m gone. This son is my gadget/ fix-it/ handyman/ guru. As I was cleaning the kitchen today, I thought about how nice it is to finally have a dishwasher. Yes folks, it�s true...I have spent the good part of 30 years, chained to the kitchen sink...dishwasher- less! After the flood and subsequent remodel of our kitchen last year, we were still lacking a few things to finish the project. Since we had done several upgrades with the cabinets, there wasn�t much of the insurance money left to buy all new appliances. I had gone so many years without a dishwasher it wasn�t crucial to have one for my happiness. Then one day Son #1 shows up with this dishwasher in the back of his truck. It seems he had found it at a used store, looked it over, and found it to be in tip-top shape. All it needed was a good cleaning, and installation. He paid only $30 for it! Two hours later, after a trip to the hardware store for hoses and clamps...swoosh! My dishwasher was running smoothly and silently...cleaning all my lovely glasses and dishes to spotless perfection. Every time he pops up with a little surprise of this sort, he loves returning to the scene of his handy work to �see how it is running.� With a big grin, he will always say, �How do you like...(this or that)... being pleased that he has been so successful. I guess I have now joined the modern American kitchen set...ooo la, la!

catsnapples~ in the kitchen and at life


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