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Hummels on Gossamer Wings

12.16.2002 | 9:40 pm

I have been sewing decorations for my Christmas tree tonight. I bought 25 sheer, fabric circles, edged with a beautiful silver stitching. I folded each circle in half and took a gathering stitch in the center to bring the circle tight in the middle. Next, I sewed on a triple colored bow made of red, green and white satin ribbons. That made the perfect gossamer-winged frame for each of my little Hummel figurines. They are hanging on the tree looking so angelic and elegant. The lights from the tree shine through the fabric, giving the whole scene a soft cheer. I honestly didn�t think I would have time to do any hand-made decorations. I got the idea on Saturday and ran to the store to buy the fabric circles and ribbon. I tried sewing at the hospital yesterday, but mother needed too much attention. Tonight I asked James what he wanted to do for Family Night, and he said, �Let�s finish the tree.� So we turned on the carols and got to work. Two hours later, we wrapped the project up and stood before our beautiful living room...all decked out in Christmas glow. James is good company and very creative too.

Yesterday was a marathon at the hospital. In spite of her serious condition, my mom still managed to get out a joke or two. She was telling the nurse that she sounded like �Gravel Gertie� The poor nurse looked perplexed, looked at me and I explained. Gravel Gertie had to have been one of the radio characters that mom used to listen to long ago. When I asked mom if that was true, she smiled and nodded. Poor old soul...she can�t cough to expel the phlegm from the pneumonia. There is a suction tube, similar to the one the dentist uses, that we can put in her mouth and down her throat to get the junk out. She is such a good sport. No words of complaining were forthcoming. It is truly amazing that she can be so chipper through this ordeal. My brother, the Podiatrist, was at the hospital twice today checking her charts. He says her blood work looks good as well as her vital signs. She comes from rugged pioneer stock...BUILT to last! He also gave the nurses specific instructions on her care, as she cannot do anything for herself. I was very thankful, and felt relieved about the whole situation.

The little boy squirrels were very naughty and noisy today in the first grade nut tree. The morning went smoothly. I gave the class some �fun� papers to do while I took individuals aside for testing. The fun papers are actually somewhat harder than normal first grade work. The fun is in the challenge. I was able to test about 5 kids. By the afternoon, things had digressed considerably. Most for the boys felt as thought they weren�t required to listen and follow directions. Too bad several of them missed part of their PM recess, to think about changing their attitude. They seem to always want to be punching, pulling and tugging at each other too. Of course, the minute someone gets hut, I hear about the injustice. So we had a quick �come to Jesus� meeting about keeping our hands to ourselves too. Ahhh...the joyous, rolicking, frivolous holiday season!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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