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Nose News

11.13.2002 | 7:59 pm

The nut tree was practically barren today. Three of the busiest little squirrels were out sick. And, I seem to have captured their happy, communicable cold germs. My nose has been running and dripping all day long. Thank goodness I have an entire cupboard full of donated tissues that I can rely upon. I keep a box handy at every table and corner in the room. We all use them..squirrels and teacher, alike.

My daughters seem to have improved over the last 24 hours. I put in another call to PA and Marie isn't totally better, but is not so uncomfortable. It is cold in Bethlehem, PA. You have to remember that here in the desert, a place she so recently left, the coldest we ever experience is maybe 60 to 65 degrees...and that is RARE. Most of the time our winter temps are in the 70's. Today it was 81. Now she is living in 40 degrees on a normal day. I remember last Christmas, when she was getting ready to move across the country, I went to the local Eddie Bauer Store and bought her wool socks. That is the ONLY place here in the desert that carries wool socks. Funny, Eddie Bauer ships them clear out west, and then they go right back from whence they came. (I don't really know if that is true, but it sounds poetic.)

Daughter #1 made it through the entodontist OK. Although, her mouth had not come back to life when I spoke with her. As for the naughty boys and their naughty notes..BIG TROUBLE! he he She has to be tuff with those fellers!

Tonight I must retire early to try and lick this cold. I drank all the juice in the house and ate all the chicken noodle soup. I think that should cure any cold.

23 days till James comes home~ 36 days till baby McKay arrives~

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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