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About a Birthing Day

Friday, Nov. 01, 2002 | 11:41 pm

Twenty-one years ago, this very evening, I was embarking upon an adventure that has brought me nothing but joy, pride, and true happiness. I was going into labor, preparing for the birth of my fourth child. I honestly thought I would have a girl, but I would never trade any girl for my wonderful son, James. I don't know why God thought I was worthy to tend him and raise him, for he is an angel. But I am so very thankful he came to me.

Labor and delivery were hard. He was almost 9 pounds, and coming out of the gate the wrong way. I endured many hours of "back labor." For all you boys out there who might not know what that is- baby is coming face up instead of face down. So, with every contraction poor baby's nose gets pushed into Mom's tail-bone, and the contraction is pretty much wasted. What my old-time, country Doc did was have me turn back and forth from one side to the other. Then he would reach in (OUCH) during contractions and turn the baby. Pretty soon, the trick worked, and I had a black-headed, fat little boy in hand. One of the nurses asked how he could be mine...seeing that his hair was so dark and mine so blonde. Hmm...maybe Daddy has dark hair?

Tonight, as hubby was fixing dinner, we were talking and anticipating James' return. Since I broke my toe, he has been doing laundry, dishes, cooking and shopping for me. I feel a little spoiled. I guess I shouldn't smirk at the good deeds too much. Hubby is quite the one for taking care of the family when they're ailing. He was always so patient and kind in caring for his grandparents and parents. He'd fetch, tote and carry out of respect and love for them. Now I guess I'm the next in line to get the royal treatment:)

The little squirrels were edgy today. I think they knew that I needed them to be as calm as possible. One of them even told me today that he was being good because I was "old." I guess I should feel that is sweet, but it makes me a little sad. I can't say why,..almost a useless feeling.

Tomorrow is Saturday..the day we get ready for Sunday!

We wash the clothes and we shop at the store, and we call it "Our get the work done day,"

We clean our nails and we shine our shoes, so we don't have to work until Monday... some words from a favorite childhood song.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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