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Graduate Work

10/28/2002 | 10:07 pm

Yesterday I broke my toe. I had to go into the Dr. first thing this morning. The x-ray was grizzley. Poor little pinkie toe. I am all splinted up and hobbling around with a boot shoe. Tonight we had a get together with hubby's side of the family. There were three of us lounging around with broken bones: Ann and Robert, my brother and sister-in-law, and of course lil' ol' me. It was too funny.

Since I couldn't go to school today, I came home from the Dr. and kitty and I had a three hour nap. It was chilly enough to use the wooly blanket too. We are so used to HOT here in the desert. The moment the temperature goes below 70 degress, we think we're going to freeze.

At noon I woke up and started working on a class I'm taking on line through ASU. It is called Children's Authors on the Web. It has been fun to find web pages and resources for many of my favorite children's authors. Many of the pages have colorful, cleaver web designs with activities, biographies, and book reviews. I was able to download many activities and ideas that I can use in my classroom. I also had to write a report and turn it into a "digital drop box" on the ASU web site. I hope I did it right.

Tomorrow I will be at school till 8:00pm having parent-teacher conferences. I guess I'll just take a pillow and prop my foot up.

Last year at conference time, my brother-in-law, Richard had just passed away from MS. I missed conferences because of the funeral and other family things. How a year changes things. We were watching video's of Richard and Barbara, tonight. They are my hubby's brother and sister who died from MS. It seems, as you watch, that they couldn't possibly be gone. In a way, I know they remain close to those they love and care for. We just need to have faith that this life is not the final act in the play that is eternity.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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