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Bite The Wall, Break Your Foot

10/24/2002 | 7:18 pm

Bite The Wall, Break Your Foot Day

Yes, even I, the great and patient teacher of little wiggly squirels, feel like taking a chunk out of the wall today. Everyone was too excited, too antsy, too SQUIRRELY! The morning went smoothly, since we were able to do reading groups, phonics, writing, and music. After lunch, the feathers hit the fan. Nobody could concentrate, stay on task, or complete anything of substance. Even trying free choice time was a disaster. By the time I got home I was exhausted. I just lay down on my big , over-sized bed and listened to the glorious news that the snipers had been caught.

The Chrisopher Columbus Play will go down in the annals of the stage as one of the GREATS!

Trucks n' stuff

We have been considering buying a truck for our son who will be home from Japan in about 5 weeks. We are going to buy it from our other son, who is great with mechanics and gadgets. I hope James likes purple.

Podiatric Pundits

My older brother is a Podiatrist. He has always been so generous in taking care of family medical problems. He is also very good friends with all my husband's siblings. We all grew up here, together, went to college at ASU, and married people we all mutually knew. So, when someone on my husband's side of the family has a foot problem it is funny to get the news through the family grape vine. Over the weekend, one brother-in-law slipped on some stairs at the ranch, and really messed up his right ankle. His left ankle was already black and blue and hurting from another tumble he had take about ten days previously. We put him in the back of his covered pick-up, and he, along with his wife, kids and grandchild headed down to Phoenix with an ice bag and strict instructions to call my brother as soon as they got home. When we got home and checked with him, it turned out he had a stress fracture on one ankle and a very bad sprain on the other. The next day I got a call from my sister-in-law, (hubby's other sibling) telling me she had just come from my brother's office, and she too was in a big boot shoe with a broken ankle. Hmm, the broken- foot- Gods must be bored.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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