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We Are Trying to Get Technical!

10/17/2002 | 1:01 pm

We Are Trying to Get Technical!

Today I am home trying to get on line through my husbands server. He has this nice lap-top that will only access the net throught his work. It is a personal computer, so I don't know why he set it up this way. I keep getting cut off. Durn-it!

I know I must bite the bullet and go buy my own home wiring, so I can just do and be what I want to for a few hours each day. I have begun to really like writing each day. I always end up writing about what has affected me the most. Some days it's the kids at school, other days it's family, or both. My cats always make me happy, unless they are sick or pooping on the carpet, which happens.

We are trying our hardest to get out of town. Flagstaff is about a three hour drive from Phoenix, but so many details seem to snag our progress as we try to leave. Once we do leave, peace and serenity reign. We can usually get NPR from any radio at the ranch, but that's all. No phone, TV or other distractions. We should be able to view some fall colors, which I love. I always try to bring leaves back for the class to study, draw and write about. :) Old teachers never give up!

I need to prepare lesson plans for Monday because I will not be at school. I am going to a phonics workshop with two other teachers from my school. It is always more work to prepare for a substitute than to actually be in the classroom. I tend to write down all the details so the sub doesn't get strung up in the nut tree by the little squirrels, and remain there till after the winter's hibernation. Here I go...write, copy, staple, fix, adjust, rearrange, and fiddle with all the school stuff to keep the little ones content.

catsnapples~in first grade and at life.


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