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Hey, I Might be Doing Something Right!

10/15/2002 | 7:05 pm

Hey, I Might be Doing Something Right!

Today, when the little boys were down to the reading lab, I did not have to do the "read-aloud". While the little boys are gone, I try to make our quiet half-hour pleasant and low-key. Recently, some of the better readers have been requesting a chance to read to the class. Most of these kids have already taken it upon themselves to read their pre-selected book to someone at home. Thus, by the time we get to hear it during class time, it sounds pretty good. I do a little coaching on the side with such phrases as, "Make your voice sound exciting!" or, "Try and make your reading smooth and interesting." They are really so cute. When they are finished, we always applaud. It's only natural.

We have a six day rotation in our district. Each child in my class has been assigned a day for "Show&Tell". And, now on their day they also get to read their journal entry for the day. It is so funny to watch them line up in anticipation, knowing that everyone in class will hear their secrets.

Each child will always begin their journal with, "I like______. I like______. It is sweet to see their faces light up as their friends mention them during journal time. I guess that is not much different than grown-ups. We long for and need affirmation. We need to know that we are doing worthwhile things and that what we think and feel matters to someone.

My little granddaughters went to the Punkin' Patch today. They picked out some pumpkins and gourds. Meredith, the youngest, has been carrying her gourd around all afternoon calling it her "baby". She also likes to proclaim with regularity that "It's not fair!" ..just whenever. Of couse, she is two years old. I could say the same thing about fairness on occasion, but, in reality, I have had a "fair shake" most of the time.

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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