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Grrr Computers!!

10/09/2002 | 5:16 pm

Grrr Computers!!

Today should have been great. We had computer lab in the morning and one whole hour of art in the afternoon. It never fails to amaze me that my children are much better when they are down in the trenches, slaving away at some menial first grade task. Their behavior diminishes into rowdy chaos whenever anything fun of slightly different happens upon the scene...like ART. I ended up writing five notes home to parents, explaining why thier little angel missed afternoon recess, and would they please ENCOURAGE their child to try harder, do their best..BLA, BLA, BLA.

In the meantime, while the little squirrells were with the crazy art teacher, I was trying to log onto a computer course through ASU. GRRRR. The district for which I work requires that we take extra credit hours to receive a pay raise allocated by the state voters. One of our options is to do this course work through the local university, on line. But...our dreary computers at school will not download the necessay programs so that we can work on line before and after school. FRUSTRATION. and...since my child that has moved, owns the only decent family computer, I am somewhat stuck in a rut. Need to take a class-no computer.

:( :( I have resolved this very afternoon to buy a new machine within a month. No ice cream for me for awhile.

In other news: All my girls are in Pennsylvania... big ones and little ones. Yes, they are all there without me because I don't have a nice Fall break, as I deserve. I would so appreciate and admire the fall leaves, crisp air, and frosty nights. I can't think of anyone else on the planet that deserves to be there with all the favorite girls, except me. I know they will have a great time. Birthday party, coloring, stories, Broadway show! It will be fun to hear about.

Won't someone PLEASE leave me a note?

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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