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My Cats- Part2

09/27/2002 | 7:19 am

My Cats- Part2

Petey and Polly

My religion allows me to believe that I will have my husband and children with me forever if I do things right. Most of the time I do things right..moral, honest, kind, industious,la, la, la,. This idea has been a source of great hope and comfort to me through the years as I have lost dear family members.

The same idea about being with my cats that have moved to the "great beyond" is not so clear. (in my religion anyway) So, when one of my kitties has passed on, it has always been difficult for me to let go of their kittiy personalities. I really love my cats.

Well, getting back to my husband, the eyedropper and milk at the baseball park, the saga continues. When I arrived at the baseball park, there in an old box were three small, skinny kittens. We took them home and began to nurse them back to the land of the living. During the night one died, leaving us with two grey, rat like, almost bald kittens.

They were named Petey and Polly. Everyone in the family began to live the 11th commandment: Thou shalt love kitties, feed kitties, and treat them like people.

We fed them with a tiny hamster bottle ,and kept them in a box with a heating pad to keep them warm. Petey was a little pig and soon began to react like Pavlov's dog when he heard the micro-wave beep. He learned that the sound of the beep meant FOOD! My son would tease him and make the micro-wave beep on purpose just bring Petey running.

One Sunday, Petey got shut in the refrigerator and sustained a concussion. He was sort of out of it for about two hours.That little accident would be his undoing about two months later.

We loved both cats, but especially loved Petey because he was fun to play with and very lovable. We were always entertained by his antics.He was, what I have come to label some of my cats, "a love baby".

It came time to get Petey and Polly spayed and nuetered. About a week before we were to take them in, I began to have genuine misgivings. The morning of their surgeries, I had a definite feeling of dread. The thought kept going through my mind that one of them would not make it. I just assumed that it would be Polly, the little female, because she was much weaker and didn't seem as strong as her brother Petey. When I took them in, I was almost in tears as I left them. I really didn't have a choice, because they were both starting to grow up, and needed their little operations.

About ten o'clock that morning, I received a call from the vet's office. I just knew one of them had died. Imagine my shock when the vet told me it was Petey. I was stunned. He asked me if he had been in and accidents as a small kitten, and I immediately knew what had caused the tragedy...the refrigerator incident.

The vet's office asked if I wanted him taken away, and I said no. I went and picked his poor little lifeless body up, and we had a kitty funeral that afternoon. We were all hearbroken. The whole family was down..even Dad!

You do recover from the death of a pet, but poor Polly cried and cried for her brother. It was so pathetic.

We have had many cats come into our lives since Petey's demise, but he was one of the most memorable cats in our family. Funny though, Polly is now 14 years old. She is still hangin' around. I love Polly, but will always have a special place in my heart for Petey.

I have told my husband that if he dies before me, he is to have all my cats with him, when he comes to meet me. :)))

catsnapples ..about my cats


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