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06.22.2004 | 11:50 am

Are you �List-less� ???

This is not a question for asking if you are tired, groggy or worn out. It means, �Do you not have a daily list of things which you need to accomplish?� I do!

Since schools blissful release, I have been working in each and every room of my home on a list of chores, posted on a 3x5 index card an taped to the wall in a prominent place in every room, so I can view the list and cross off the tasks as I complete them. Hooray for me...The computer room is clean and all my photos are sorted and ready for scrap booking. Silly me, however, to think that scrap booking all my photos would be a quick job.

I went out to see my mother last night with old photos in hand to remind her of times long ago: her wedding, pictures of the family with my siblings and me as little children, pictures with my Dad as the father, smiling. Usually my mom is in a pretty good mood, but not last night. She seemed out of sorts and peevish. I tried to get her talking about stories from the past, but she just wouldn�t cooperate. She kept asking over and over again, �How is James?� James is my youngest son, recently moved from the nest, leaving our nest empty. Each time she asked, I told her the story over again, thinking she might remember that I had just told her the same information no less that 2 minutes earlier. I talked to her for about 1 1/2 hours, until I couldn�t stand the heat in her room, before we left. She has her care giver close off all the air conditioning vents because she gets too cold. But, no air in her room makes it extremely hard to visit for any length of time. She is really only good for about an hour anyways. If you don�t remember, my mom is bed- ridden with Multiple Sclerosis. It is a wicked disease that runs on both sides of the family. Hubby had two siblings, a sister and a brother, both of whom have dies from MS in the last ten years. My mom has just been clinging to life tenaciously, that�s all.

I got a note in my Guestbook commenting about a certain style of Clark�s shoes. I just want to say that it is not �going overboard� to have many colors of the kind of style that looks and feels good on your feet. I actually have three colors of a style called �Laurie� a really comfortable and cute shoe that looks good with all my school clothes. I have navy, red and brown in this style. I can also wear the �lovely� support hose with these shoes and no one is the wiser, but me. I also have two other pair, in styles and colors for Sunday. One pair is black, to go with all my winter dresses, and the other is a light brown pair, to go with anything not dark. I love them both! So that gives me 5 (five) pair of Clarks. I don�t really think that is going overboard, if those are the only shoes one can wear. My other shoes, the Naot, are all sandals. I can�t remember the style�s name, but they are like walking on clouds. I can wear them all day when it is hot and NO suffering whatsoever! No claustrophobic feet, sore toes or tired soles. So much for shoes news.

I leave for Pennsylvania in 10 days. Today the other grandparents are flying out to the east coast to stay a week with the grandkids. We leave on July 7. The first thing we get to do is go to a 300 year family reunion. In a place called Chad�s Ford, there is an old home built in 1704. This is the original Brinton Family home. It is still maintained by the family association as a museum and historical sight. We will gather there for games and fun. Then back to Bethlehem we go to play and reacquaint ourselves with the kids for three weeks. Actually, hubby is only staying till July 15. I get to stay till the end of July! Yeah! I have been gathering craft ideas and books to read to the kids during my stay. I hope we get to bake cookies too. So much for the past, present and future.

Catsnapples~ at home, at life


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