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06.17.2004 | 10:29 am

I have finally plowed my way through the extra bedroom that was once the sanctuary for my daughters. Underneath the piles and stacks of clothing, blankets, papers and books is the computer. I have been running a little trail to and from the computer when I needed to use it, ever since last fall. Since the demise of school (wicked laugh) I have determined to clean up the dump and haul all the useless junk off to the local thrift establishment. Well...it is all out of the bedroom and now lies, dejectedly, in the living room, by the door, waiting to be put in sterile, black garbage sacks, toted off, never to be seen by my eyes again! Included in the treasure trove of valuables, for that is what they are in the eyes of hubby, are dresses and other clothing I can no longer wear, since I have conveniently changed shape since my surgery. No, I did not have a tummy tuck or liposuction. I just lost about 40 pounds all on my own. Sadly, I needed to buy lots of dresses which were appropriate for school, not too hard to clean and keep, and in lots of colors! I am also dumping oodles of shoes...shoes I can no longer abide, since my balance is at time precarious, and I need VERY FLAT shoes. All the heels and anything that resembles a shoe with a heel are gone! In their stead I have purchased lovely, quite expensive shoes from Clarks of England and Naot. If you are not familiar with these brands, they are pricey but comfy. My most prized of all my new purchases is, of course, my lovely, sheer (not) support stockings. Made to order in exciting, and fashionable colors and styles, to form-fit to the leg of any �lucky� working woman whose veins have gone south...LITERALLY! It seems that after my surgery, my veins decided to give me lots of trouble. Now normally, support stockings would not be that big a deal. But here in the desert southwest, they give the fortunate wearer the feeling of wearing plastic bags on ones legs for eight hours. Consequently, I positioned fans all around the perimeter of my classroom, in an attempt to keep the air and blood flowing through the remainder of the year, thus freezing out the little squirrels. That is the chattering of little frozen teeth you are hearing.

In an attempt to save a little cash, I have begun to alter some of the other togs I own, so they don�t just fall off me or become so low slung I begin to resemble some of the teens who are seen strutting the mall. This is a monumental effort, for the sewing room is in worse shape than the computer room. Everything is in a tremendous jumble in the poor sewing room. Last December�s Christmas things are all over the place and last year�s June wedding things are in open boxes gathering dust. Additionally hubby has now decided to quietly and stealthily encroach upon the room with scouting stuff. If you are not familiar with the mentality of a scouter, the operative word is �pack-rat extrodinair!� Files, boxes, bags, badges, tools, equipment, thingies, and what-cha-ma-call-its lay in every available space, high and low. Occasionally hubby will go through things a bit and make a pathway to the sewing machine, which he uses to sew mysterious things for little scouts out in the big world. I know, I know, how can I put up with it??? Well, the house is 3,000 square feet. Generally the kitchen, family room, living room and my side of the bedroom are untouched by hubby, so I try to ignore the rest. I close the door and wait for the second coming, when I will be resurrected, with a perfect body. I will have no aches and no metal joints, and boy will I clean house then! And, since all the kids are living elsewhere, I really don�t have to answer to anyone but my own guilty heart about the condition of certain rooms in my home.

Hubby is at scout camp this week and I have gone to see Harry Potter two times. I love Harry Potter!

Catsnapples~ at home


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