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There is a Season...

09.07.2003 | 7:34 pm

This has been a dull weekend, other than the fact that the girls called me from Pennsylvania and it was so fun to hear about their camping trip. Actually, I�m thankful for slow weekends every now and then, or I possibly wouldn�t survive the upcoming week with any kind of energy. I tell you, I am being �brave� about the upcoming knee replacement, but in reality, there are some days when I wonder if it wise to try and live with the pain and lop-sidedness of my body for even another month. I do want to try and wait till summer, but sometimes I turn into a BIG chicken when I think about facing almost eight months of coaxing and nursing the �ol knee to do another days work, knowing all along, it is doomed anyway. I�m just not a very brave soldier sometimes.

My sister, on the other hand, is a trooper till the end! There she is�stuck up in Scarsdale, NY for three years. She is unable to leave the mission field unless there is a major family event like a wedding or funeral. She is giving every second of every day to the service of her, our God, and she writes to my mom about all the blessings she is receiving. I really shouldn�t complain. I was out to see mom today, and had a chance to read Jeanne�s recent letters. They are full of stories of very hard work, faith, frustration, and turning to the Lord when she is against a wall. I wish I could muster some of her strength to face a few months of discomfort.

The newlyweds, in New Mexico are thinking about buying their first home. I think this is so thrilling for them. They waited so long to finally find each other, and now they are really moving forward toward �home ownership�. What a big step! They are about a six hour drive from the ranch, so we have made plans for another weekend. As the weather cools down, hubby and I always must think ahead to the weekend we must return to the ranch and close it down for the winter. All the pipes must be drained, and windows sealed tight against the elements for the winter. In two weeks, we will trek to the ranch and enjoy a final weekend with the family�minus the Pennsylvania crowd, and close it up for the winter as we leave to go back to Phoenix. It seems unbelievable that hubby has been doing this without his mom or grandfather for better than 20 years!

For everything there is a season under Heaven.

catsnapples~ at life


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