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Through The Low Valley

08.26.2003 | 9:57 pm

We played with cubes and learned about the first winter at Valley Forge today. It seems an odd combination, but the little squirrels had a very good time of it all. What started out as a painful morning, due to a drop in the barometric pressure, gradually became bearable, and even fun toward the end. We even had a bird in for show and tell. Shaylyn�s mother brought in their �love bird.� He really wasn�t that loving, but his plumage was beautiful. Unfortunately�he was a biter!

One of the Social Studies units our district requires us to teach is called �American Symbols.� All the other second grade teachers are teaching it last on their agenda. I chose to start with it, since I have so recently visited so many of the places we learn about. It is so much more meaningful to children to hear personal experiences about unknown places. It somehow brings them into the picture of their history, if teacher actually seems to understand and know what she is talking about.

I began by reading some of the details about the weather and lack of decent shelter, clothing and food during the winter of 1777. The concept of 1777�227 years ago�is also somewhat of a mystery to second grade squirrels. After giving the kids a �mental picture� of the American troops and George Washington, I set them to work with a large piece of white art paper�drawing from their mind�s eye. Since their hands and fingers were now occupied, I could read at length to them, showing an occasional picture as they appeared in the book. A most enjoyable 45 minutes was had by one and all. Many students drew excellent details of the landscape, log cabins, horses, soldiers and cannon, as I had read in the descriptive paragraphs. Tomorrow�The Liberty Bell�and we�ll all be ding-dongs!

Tomorrow the weather looks to be almost chilly�.95* I can�t wait. It seems like we have baked, broiled and stewed this summer, while living through the worst of droughts. The Farmer�s Almanac claims we will have a wet, chilly winter this year. I won�t be sad if that prediction comes to pass.

In the meantime�I hope my friend Lora can find solace in her time of sorrow. I have been thinking of her all day, even in the nut tree, as she passes through this veil of tears. I can feel the emptiness of her arms and heart at this time, and pray for her peace and comfort.

catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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