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Harry Potter and Pennsylvania

08.23.2003 | 12:46 am

Melancholy has set in around my heart this evening. Everyone in the family is away from their phones, because I can�t call them until I renew my long distance card. That, unfortunately, will have to wait till payday, as I am in the whole, so to speak. I have tried very hard to stay on a good budget this summer, being that I didn�t get a paycheck throughout the entire summer. I did pretty well, considering I paid for a wedding and a few trips about the country. Wednesday next will be a welcome day indeed.

Tonight I watched �Harry Potter� for the umpteenth time. I�m funny that way with favorite movies. I�ll watch them over and over again and the music will float through my thoughts during the days as they pass. I told hubby tonight that I think I�m fixed on Harry Potter right now because it brings back such good memories of the summer in Pennsylvania. The moment I walked in the door, Marie handed me the newest edition of Harry Potter. I ended up rereading all the books this summer while I was visiting. I got to stay up late, and then play all day with my favorite little people. I miss the whole scenario so much sometimes it hurts. I told hubby that I just had to return to see Mckay crawl before he walked or I would not be a happy camper. He laughed.

The world of second graders is really quite pleasant. We have settled into a good routine, except that I keep forgetting our recess and specials schedule. Today I forgot to take the squirrels to PE. What a DUMB mistake. I didn�t get a morning break and the kids LOVE PE. Two days ago I totally forgot PM recess, and sent them out at the first grade time. That was too funny. As I talked with my former first grade teacher friends, they too had forgotten important details during the week. Oh well�.school is a place to learn.

On the orthopedic front�Brother, the Podiatrist is a good guy to have handy when it is inconvenient to leave school to get to the DR. He ordered me a new anti-inflammatory that seems to have worked a small miracle. I was skeptical Tuesday morning, as I rummaged trough my cupboard of free samples I have from him. I found the Mobic, looked at the dosage and doubled it. By mid-morning my knee was feeling oh so much better. I called him at his office and asked him to do a phone prescription for me so I could pick it up after school that day. Yeah�I�m not pain free, but I can function till I get to the orthopedist September 3. I must call the benefits lady at the district to get the 911 on my disability coverage, and then we�ll see how long I can hold out till I fall apart and need to go in for repairs.

catsnapples~ in 2nd grade and at life


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