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07.07.2003 | 4:47 pm

Needless to say, I have been upset most of the day about my cat. Her name is Polly and hubby found her abandoned under the bleacher seats at a Cubs game 15 years ago. The Chicago Cubs play their winter games here in Mesa, AZ, so I have often referred to Polly as my baseball kitty. A dear friend and veterinarian, cestelle e-mailed me with some good advice. Fortunately, the problem Polly is having is not medical, but behavioral. It seems as though every time someone in the family packs up and takes off for a trip, she decides to use one corner of a certain bedroom for her business. Many times she is perfectly fine to use her tinkle box, unless one of her people is missing. The she goes schizoid. We have now installed, in the pee-pee corner, a plastic mat, prickle side up, to keep her out of that area. I was also miffed during our Sunday conversation that all my kids (married daughters and both sons) and hubby were perfectly fine to have her put to sleep to solve the problem. They were just fine with the idea until I told the men THEY would have to take her to the vet, watch her, and pay for the whole thing. HAR-HAR Big chickens! I woke up this morning with a sense of dread, knowing that was not the right thing to do. I told all the BRAVE men I was not putting kitty to sleep and that they would all have to pitch in and help me solve the problem. Married son is coming over during the days to feed her while I am gone to Pennsylvania. James covered up all the corners of his bedroom with plastic sheeting, for the time being. I hope this will work. I feel much better. Poor Polly�doomed to die for lack of behavior modification!

Here are Polly and Baby on the big, fluffy, pillow-top bed.

catsnapples~ Purring


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