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Good Girls

04.27.2003 | 8:05 pm

Thursday, Friday & Saturday, April 24-26, 2003
My sister was here overnight. We went out to eat with younger brother and his wife. It has been a long week for my sister. She arrived on Monday. She and her daughter did some shopping and visiting and then went to the regular OB/GYN appointment on Thursday. The doctor sent her to the hospital and had the nurse administer a cervix softener. Then they waited. I called sister from school during PM recess to find out all the news. Things were progressing slowly at that time. I got home from school and sister came over for about an hour about dinner time. By the time she got back to the hospital, Marian was in serious labor. Thankfully she was wise enough to have an �epidural�. Her labor went very fast. She delivered the cutest blonde headed little girl at 11:45 PM, April 24. I think grandma, my sister, went home to sleep after that.

The next day, Friday, I again called her to inquire about the status of new mother and baby. It seems that after the pediatrician had pronounced little girl healthy and sound she threw up a bunch of phlegm and mucous and stopped breathing! My sister was holding her at the time and summoned the nurse PRONTO! The quick thinking and speedy nurse whisked baby girl down to the nursery and a team of people began working on her. They were able to suction out all the excess mucous and get her breathing quickly. My sister was rattled. As she told me the story, my heart jumped around in my chest, trying to imagine how she must have felt�seeing her granddaughter rushed into the ICU not breathing. It was one of those times that words cannot fully describe.

They kept her on monitors for the next 36 hours and she is doing fine now. We went up to the hospital Saturday morning to see everyone and say goodbye. Sister had a plane to catch at 10:30 AM. Sister was teary as we left the hospital. I knew exactly how she was feeling. Those little grandbabies are so dear. We want to be there, like protective �mother hens� to oversee all the activities. With our transient and fluid society, it is not possible. Sister has a married daughter and grandson in Alabama, Marian in Arizona, soon to move to Boston. Her third daughter is in Chicago, working as an urban landscape architect and another son in China. She has a missionary son in Brazil and two others in high school, living at home in Sandpoint, Idaho. If you are counting�that�s seven! I really have to say that it is her tremendous faith that keeps her sane.

Sunday, April 27, 2003
This has been a nice Sunday. We have early church. In our church the congregations, or wards rotate the times in which they use the buildings on Sunday. Usually there are 3 wards which share a building, needing to use it for a three hour block of time. To save gas and miles, about 25 years ago, our church consolidated all their meetings into a three hour block. This year it is my ward�s turn to have the early time. We go to church from 8:30-11:30. Next year we move to the middle block, 11:00 to 2:00. There is some overlapping, but since the large worship service uses the main chapel, one ward is finished with it and off to smaller classrooms well ahead of the next ward coming in to use the chapel. I like early church. I have the entire Sunday to visit my mom, fix a nice dinner for the family and usually take a well-deserved nap. I did all those things today.

Hubby is slowly washing all his grubby clothes and bedding from a big scout camporee he went on Friday and Saturday. We don�t usually do laundry on Sunday, but this laundry was too �ripe� to keep. It was smoky and dirty, and had to be dealt with. About 3,500 scouts from the Mesa district went up north to the burnt out area from the big Rodeo fire of last summer. Each group of scouts was assigned a specific area to clean and plant with grass and mulch. This was a tremendous effort. I guess I do my little part by putting up with all the fallout before and after the fact. Aren�t I a good girl?

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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