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Back, Am I

04.02.2003 | 12:49 pm

The M�s have all gone home :( I am not really sad, but things will be terribly quiet at home. We did so many fun things that I am completely worn out! As I mentioned before... I took two days last week so I could play with the kids. We went to the Phoenix Zoo with all the grand kids and gandma�s on hubby�s side of the family. We were quite a chattering choo-choo of strollers, bottles and binkies. The zoo here in our area is spread out over a huge area. We walked the entire course of trails and paths to see all the animals. The weather was in the 80�s, so we got a little parched before heading home for naps. The second day, Marie and I went shopping, out to lunch, over to see my mom and then home. The little girls were so well behaved. I was very proud of them. I think it ironic, that �the other grandma� insisted on them staying with her through Spring break. That is when the poor things were sick with pneumonia and ear infections. By the time they came to me, they were all well with ner� a problem. Oh well...

I think I cooked and served no less than 5 (five) big dinner parties at my home over the last two weeks. Joan�s gourmet restaurant and fine dining establishment is, thankfully, closed for a season! I had to move all the furniture out of one room and into the living room so there would be enough space for all the hungry eaters. This doesn�t even take into account the wedding reception of my niece, for whom I painted wooden decorations and decorated cakes. YIKES!

The engaged ones have been very busy getting gowned, suited, ringed, and shod for the wedding. they travel back and forth from Arizona to New Mexico every-other-weekend to be with each other and hurry things along. I think it very sweet that the male in this situation gets teary and sentimental at the air port each time he has to say good bye. Soon the waiting will be over and they will be happily together...for a good long time.

The squirrels have had to change their seating arrangement around to cut down on the talking, noise and confusion. I told them they need to be ready for second grade. That idea appealed to them. I hope I can get some quality work out of the nut tree before May 22....The last day of school!

catsnapples~ in first grade and at life


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