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Happy New Year!

01.01.2003 | 1:54 am

Never again will I fly Northwest Airlines! They have screwed us royally! Yesterday, as I read the marquee at Sky Harbor in Phoenix, it read, �No meal service this flight, beverage service ONLY.� BIG RED FLAG! They charged me $25 extra because one suitcase was too heavy. They had already sent the other bag through�too late to retrieve it and rearrange things to avoid the extra charge... another HUGE red flag! It took almost 40 min. to board the plane, with people, carry on luggage, and all. We were stowed into the airplane like sardines, (Yes, I know, it�s trite) During the flight, the attendants did not pick up trash or do ANYTHING! Many times people made their way to front of the cabin where, I was seated, to GIVE garbage to them. Bad Form!!! There were black, vacant screens showing absolutely�NOTHING! BAH HUMBUG!!! NO MOVIE! When we got off in Detroit, no monitors to find our connecting gate, only a disgruntled employee complaining to a customer, no less, about how 400 employees were pink slipped because of technology. Boo hoo�OK, but not to the customers! HUGE, SCARLET BANNER, WAVING WILDLY!

Tonight, hubby was coming in on the same flight as I had the day before. I got on the internet to check his incoming flight to Allentown. CANCELLED �till tomorrow morning. Humph! He was given three, unacceptable options. 1) Stay in Detroit, with no voucher for hotel accomidations. 2) Fly to Newark, and then Matt would have to drive 1 � hours to get him. 3) Fly to Philly, and Matt would have to drive 1 � hours to get him. RED FLAG CORPS, MARCHING WILDLY TO THE TUNE OF �HELP, I NEED SOMEBODY.�

Well Matt is driving to Newark as I write. They are also going to bring with them 3 others who were trying to get to Bethlehem, but were shafted just as Hubby.

I am glad to be here. The children are totally sweet. My alarm clock was Meredith this morning. She woke me up with, �Grandma, come here. I have a surprise for you.� I made bunny pancakes for everyone while mommy slept in. Uncle James played Shutes and Ladders, Memory, and Hi Ho Cherry-o with Melanie today. I can�t say that we brought the New Year in with a bang�.but we are having a BLAST!

Happy New Year Everyone!

catsnapples~ in Bethlehem on this New Year, 2003


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