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Wishig I Were There

10/30/2002 | 11:47 pm

It is the end of a long two days of conferences with the parents of all the little squirrels. They are, for the most part, conciencous, kind and willing to work with me to make improvements. I was fortunate this year in that my good friend from kindergarten passed along all her sweetie-pies to me. My class is lovable and good-natured. I breath a sigh of relief, for not every year has been so pleasant. More later on that.

This morning, as I was getting fixed-up for school, I got a phone call at about 6:30. It was Marie, mother of my granddaughters. She was lonely. Matt, her husband, has been pulled into NYC during the work-week for the past three weeks to finish a big computer project for his company. Matt gets so lonely, he even calls us too, occasionally:)) ANyway, she informs me that the OB-GYN is going to be giving her steroid shots to help her baby's lungs develop, because he thinks the baby will probably come early:( This is a point of concern for me. I have always felt that Marie does too much...takes on too many extra projects. She is so friendly and caring. It is just in her nature to be that way. I wish she could slow down... take it easy...not take on any more extra company, friends or favors for people, and just let the little babe gestate to term. Hmmm... do kids ever fully "mind" their mom? I have a prayer in my heart at all times for her.

Melanie, the oldest granddaughter, got on the phone and told me all about teaching mommie to make pizza. She learned how to make pizza in pre-school this week. She also wanted to know if all the pictures she had drawn for me were on my refrigerator. Of course they are!

It was also snowing for the first time this season in Pennsylvania. It seems so odd to be here in the desert, where we had another 80+ degree day, and they are having a "white autumn" in Pennsylvania. I truely wish I were there.*sigh*

catsnapples` in first grade and at life


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